Inspirational Qoutes fOr yOu

If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

- Mary Engelbreit

Friday, June 17, 2011

When Being Single Just Isn't Working For You

by Christine Akiteng

You've probably heard it a thousand times: everyone telling you that you can have an exciting life as a single and that you don't need to be in a relationship to be fulfilled...Much of the advice we get about being happily single is well-meaning but how much of it is practical. If it is your choice to be single and you are happy that way, good for you. But if what you really want is to be in a relationship, how happy can you be sitting alone on your couch weekend after weekend or eating your Christmas dinner all by yourself? Not to mention trying to find someone to accompany you to the office annual dinner.Being single isn't easy, whatever anyone says. Personally, I believe that being single can be a wonderful and fulfilling time in your life but, hopefully, it is only a temporary condition. Time alone as a single man or woman is a great time for self-growth and for finding the happiness and love that lies within but there comes a time when you need to move to a new level of growing and sharing - with someone else.Yes, you have all of these beautiful things inside of you but with no-one to share them with. Even though you have lots of people that care about you, you'll still know deep down that it's so unlike having that "special" person that really knows when to make you smile when everything else around you seems so dreary. The bottom line is that there comes a time when nature calls, a time when you are ready to love in a deep, intimate sexual way, and when you reach this stage in your life you will feel lonely until it's fulfilled.Feeling lonely is not a negative thing. Wanting to share love with someone is "natural" progression born from our soul and spiritual need. As a conscious, forward thinking, fun-loving, choice-making individual, you realize that you hold everything you need inside of yourself but you also realize that you deserve loving and healthy human contact. However, unlike people under 35 years of age your prospects are not as great. Further more, most of your best friends will have been married by now, thus, narrowing the chances of them being an effective resource for you. So where do you go? And where do you meet others who are consciously and spiritually evolving? There's always the computer. But only God knows how many online dating sites you've tried. For some reason, you seem to be the only person who never seems to have much luck with them. If you are like many others, you've probably been taken in by a photo or profile of a person you thought was what you've always been looking for - only to find when you actually met that person they looked and sounded nothing like their photo or profile. So to hell with technology you tell yourself, after all nothing beats the feeling of an authentic spontaneous encounter with an intriguing person. But the last time you went to one of those "singles nights" or "speed dates", far from being a honey-pot of attractive, unattached people, it turned out to be the same old sad gloomy dead end prospects. And your local church has no singles programs for people your age. May be you've even tried the lonely hearts columns and some people didn't even bother to reply - that made you feel as if nobody wants to know you. You feel so rejected and unwanted. You just cannot shake off the nagging feeling that you have been cruelly singled out by some grossly unfair quirk of fate to be single - and, perhaps, single all your life. That's what being single, lonely - and desperate does to you. If you've tried being happily single and it is not working for you, try these very simple, yet very smart strategies that have been key in helping thousands of singles transform a stagnant dating life (virtually non-existent) into purpose driven dating, fun and fulfillment. Chances are that you will have a busy dating life. You will make all of your unhappy married friends envious.

Enjoy waiting!

From experience, mine and many others, I honestly believe that love always find a way to us. But I also believe that life is what is happening while you "wait". Don't settle for a "this will do just fine" relationship but don't settle for happily single either. Make time for love in your life. Don't be so busy that men and women look at you and think you do not have room for a relationship because you are so happily single. And what vibrations are you sending out to the universe when you say you are "happily single" and secretly wish you were in a relationship?. Remember, great things happen when you align your thoughts and words to your actions!

Meet Lots of People!

The ONLY way you can learn about human relations is by having them - not from a book, from a seminar, hiding away in isolation is some retreat house and certainly not from an epiphany or "road to Damascus" encounter. The more you know about others, the more you learn about yourself, and the more you know about yourself, the better chances you have of attracting someone with whom you have lots in common. Get out and meet lots of people, men and women, and talk, smile, flirt, take an interest and laugh with them. No pressure for anyone. And avoid the old habits of quantifying your relationships by "keeping score" as to who called whom first and whether or not a man or woman is "that into you". That drama may have been okay for junior high, but we're adults with interesting careers, lives and better things to do - hopefully. The whole point is meet as many people as you can.

Get the basics right!

There is a great big wonderful dating world out there for those who are willing to venture into it. But it is also a well-known fact that the greater your mastery of the basics, the better your chances of succeeding. In fact, mastery of the basics either through reading self-help books, attending a seminar or working with a professional is often the key factor that separates the great from the mediocre. However avoid those very retro "corny" books and advice columns. In dating as in anything else, if you want to become successful at it, you need to learn what the masters are doing and imitate them. You need to be ready for the opportunities that life brings you, so that when your time comes, you don't miss your shot.

Do something you wouldn't normally do!

A majority of people are so very predictably boring and that is why we are incredibly impressed when we meet someone who is creative and spontaneous. Every now and then try to do something spontaneous - this is not the same as reckless and stupid; get dressed up even if there is no one around to impress, visit that one place you've always wanted to, sing that song you love at the top of your lungs, grab some friends and go do something completely mind blowing. Do it just because you can. Push it further and head out onto your freer and wild side. Not only will you be doing something fun and out of the ordinary, but somewhere someone is watching and he or she is very impressed with what they see - it says to them "this is what life with me is like".

No Matter what don't stop believing!

If you yearn for a wonderful relationship with the right person, don't quit hoping. God and the Universe need to know that you not only know what you want, but you really want it. No matter what, you need to cultivate the habit of persisting, of starting again after setbacks and using your failures as, an education for success. You need to remember that more than anything else - persistence is what separates the "haves" from the "have nots".

This year can be the start of something amazing - remember that no-one else can do it for you, it's up to you.

Monday, March 22, 2010


"I've collected some love quotes which I think best describe of what I really feel right now. I've combine it and expounded most of the statements"... enjoy!

There will come a time in our life when we'll find someone who makes our world go crazy. We'll fall in love with everything about them, the way they're eyes smile even when they're upset, the way their hairs always a little messy no matter what happens, the way they look cute in anything...or nothing... the way they make you laugh when you want to cry, but most of all the way they make you want to kiss them so bad that the only thing stopping you is that what if they don’t want it...

I really think there's a reason that I like you so much. Like something is telling me not to let you go. Every time I follow my heart, it leads me to you. I mean, what other explanation is there. Why is it that you’re all I can think about? Why is it that no matter how upset I am, I see you and I can't help but smile? Why is it that when you smiles at me, I get that feeling in my stomach? And even when you'd broken my heart, and hurt me as much as anyone could ever hurt me... when you lied to me, and I hated you... why then did I still feel those same feelings? Answer me that, and then I'll tell you why I let you hurt me so much.

How I ever wanted to talked to you, but I never really dared. I even missed that opportunity to tell you that I cared. Pretended that it doesn’t hurt, and said that it’s ok and spent each day wishing it'd all just go away. Acted how I am "supposed to" so no one knew I cried: And never let them see how I really felt inside. When were together, the hardest thing I’ve done is acting like I hate you, when really I love you more than you will ever know and I hope you feel it too and not just pretend that you don’t.

You always said you wished you could find the person, who loves you, but when I was with you, you don’t even notice I’m the one who does. You say you don't like to see me hurt and cry; do you close your eyes while you're hurting me or giving me reason to be hurt and cry? It’s not the fact that you lied to me that hurt, it’s the fact that you promised that you will not hurt me nor want to see me cry. I wished to be loved not because I am good, or pretty, or well bred, or graceful, o intelligent, but because I am myself.

We have nothing in common I guess and they said that differences makes a relationship exciting and interesting, it’s not how compatible we are but on how we deal with our incompatibility. But what happen? It seems we don’t handle it the way it supposed to be. You are a beautiful part of my life, the best thing about me is you, but you never really appreciated it all.

Yes, I know you’re wanted by many, but just think about it... you know I'll always be the girl who loved you more, I'll always be the girl who was there for you always, I'll always be the girl you feel the most comfortable with, but I can promise you this... I won't always be the girl who waited their whole life to try and make you realize it. It’s true when they tell that giving’ up doesn’t mean your letting go, It means you've decided to accept it wasn’t meant to be… right? And I don’t have to pretend that it doesn’t hurt… I’m just human… I get tired too… So if you love me, then show it to me but if you don’t, better tell it to me, so that I won’t have a hard time expecting for nothing.

If I end up being the one walking away, I want you to know that it wasn’t because I stopped loving you but because you stopped loving me and stop giving me reasons to stay. You damn give me all the reasons to let go of you. If I could change anything about you, it would be the way you feel about me so that I can’t feel all this pain and sadness inside of me. And what hurts more than losing you? Is knowing you're not fighting to keep me. Which hurts more? Thinking that I should hate you or knowing I don't? I never really stop loving you. I just learn to try to live without you. I have to accept it and move on. After all, life’s goes on with or without you at my side. I wish I had the guts to walk away from what we had and pretend it doesn’t happen. But I can't because I know you won't come after me and that’s a fact! And that's what hurts the most. Letting you go, even if it hurts, doesn't mean I have to let go of everything we had. I just have to let go of you and the feelings I have for you but the memories will always be there whether it's good or bad. Because every time I remember those memories, it will always put a smile into my heart. And be glad that once in my life you made me happy and put colors into my life even if it's just for a while.

I don't have to waste my time on someone who isn't willing to waste their time on me... Why should I spend my time with you, my journey, myself, my ups and downs when you’re not willing to embrace me with all that I am. The reason I know you don't love me, is because the day I tried to walk out and walked out your door, you didn't stop me… and it really hurts realizing that I never really became a part of your life.

I have to accept it and move on... Leave baggage behind, continue walking with all the learning I have and start a new... I have to let you go, so the pain I have right now will stop and will start to heal... How thankful I am for having you... There are just things that are not meant to be... What happened in this relationship is a lesson to reflect upon... I'm not putting all the blame in you, but I've done my part and maybe you did yours but its not ENOUGH…

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Moving on After a Relationship Break-up by Joi Sigers

One of the most difficult things a person can endure is the loss of a relationship. While the death of a loved one eclipses this loss, a break-up is also, in its own rights, a permanent loss. The relationship, which was once alive and filled with hope has now ceased to exist, leaving at least one of the people involved filled with emptiness and sadness. The following words are intended to provide insight, comfort, and (in our fondest hopes) encouragement. They are directed to the individual who knows that reconciliation is not an option.

When I hear from someone who is going through a romantic breakup, my heart truly breaks for them. Someone they loved is no longer theirs to love and the sadness in their words tells of, not only hearbreak, but a loss of self as well. It seems that one cannot go through a romantic loss without feeling that it's their fault, or that something is wrong with them. Before going any further, let's put an end to that myth immediately. People of all weights, heights, classes, looks and sizes have people who love them. There is no one "mold" that love-worthy people are cut from. Anyone who would insist on someone fitting into a certain mold isn't worth your time, let alone your heart. (More times than not, they aren't exactly cut from Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie's cloth, either!)

In general, breakups happen because the two simply can't find happiness together. Either one or the other realizes that they aren't a perfect match and they decide that it's time to move on. Often they move on, emotionally, long before they move on physically. Aloofness, coldness, a tendency to start arguments are all signs of someone beginning to pull away.

Even though it can be the hardest thing in the world to do, you have to let them go. If you plus him or her do not add up to both of you being happy, the equation isn't meant to be. For your own sake, as well as theirs, let go and move on - allowing them to do the same. The man or woman of your dreams may be just around the corner waiting for you. If you don't move on, you'll never find them!

How do you deal with the sadness in the meantime? First of all, stop kicking yourself. You are worthy of being loved! This particular relationship failed, you didn't. Learn from this lesson and move past it. Don't keep thinking about this person, by doing so you're just giving them more and more power to hurt you.

There's a great saying, "If you want a certain trait, act as though you all ready have it." I can't overstate how much truth lies in these words. Act as though you've moved on, and before you know it - you will have moved on. When you see this person in public, don't look at them waiting for them to see you or speak - just go about your business, smile and live your life. Life's too short and precious not to be lived with a smile on your face.

Whatever you do, don't let thoughts of making this person jealous, or thoughts of bitterness enter into your mind. You're much better than that! Just keep saying, "I'm moving on." Pretty soon, you will have done just that.

In the meantime, keep busy. Volunteer to work more hours, if that's an option. Choose an author who you've never read before and start reading each and every one of their books. John Grisham, Dean Koontz, Nicholas Sparks - they each have plenty of great books to choose from. Koontz, alone, has a gazillion you could tackle. He's my personal favorite author, so I may be biased, but I'd grab "Watchers", "Midnight" or "Odd Thomas" and then move on from there. When reading Koontz, you can't feel anything but goosebumps. If you're a little timid, stick with Sparks (my next favorite) - he's incredibly gifted but without the demons, monsters, aliens, etc.

If you have someone to talk to, do so. But try to move past conversations centering around the loss as soon as possible. Concentrate on what you have rather than what you've lost.

Above all, remember, love will come around again. But if you're looking BACk you'll miss it! Look forward, wear your best smile, and concentrate on getting the most from life. This sort of mentality and lifestyle will attract the sort of person you need in your life. The sort of person who'll make you smile so much your face hurts. He or she is out there waiting for you, maybe even going through what you're going through right now. The sooner you move on, the sooner you'll find real, lasting love. You deserve it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Research of Methods [assign.9]

In your own understanding, what's the difference between "METHOD" and "METHODOLOGY"?

Methodology is the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline, the analysis of such method & task for doing it best and it is the studies of the such task while method is a no of option that we have to do any task.

Methodology is something which is organised, documented set of procedures and guidelines for one or more phases of the software life cycle, such as analysis or design.


if environment survey is done so we have many option to do we used such method, which give the accuracy it is called methodology.

Research of Methods [assign.6]

Identify and discuss key factors for publishing research in top-tier journals like CSP, ACM, i3E, etc.

General Publication Strategies

1. Diversify your research portfolio
2. Concentrate on one or two fields
3. Generate one or two papers from your thesis
4. Maintain a stock of papers under review constantly
5. Don't put two good ideas in one paper
6. Approach different types of journals
7. Write clearly
8. Learn word processing skills and master other relevant software programs
9. Scan current journals
10. Present papers at conferences before submission
11. Do not distribute unpublished papers to strangers (at big conferences)
12. Only the tough get going
13. Get to know one hundred people active in your field
14. Maintain contacts

Articles and Books

15. A journal article is preferable to a book
1.) Life of a publication
2.) Weight of a publication
16. A journal article first
17. Cultivate coauthors
1.)Weight of coauthored articles
18. Make an agreement with coauthors ex ante
19. Maintain collaboration
20. Be patient with inactive coauthors

alarm clock Choosing Topics

21. Do not waste time on dead or dying topics
22. Do not write papers with breakthrough ideas at first
23. Extend existing literature
24. Write something creative
25. Mix ingredients of other papers
26. Write on interesting subjects

alarm clock Comments or Notes

27. Avoid writing comments on other papers
28. Do not correct small errors others make

Just visit the site below for more information and further reading...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What do you think is the role of research topic in deciding your future career?

Everybody will say we are responsible for own future. We are the one who will decide what path to take and maybe in the end face the consequences in every decision we made. No one will be blame when that time comes but our own self.

Writing an essay and term papers are far different from writing a research paper, its not just an ordinary and opinionated idea but you need to have resources and valid documentations that will support your topic and research.

As I am taking my degree course (BSCS), I was able to encounter different aspect of hardships, right now I am taking up my Research methods, SAD2 and SE2 and its very hard much harder than SAD1 and SE1, for we have to squeeze all the ideas we have in order to fulfill what we have started last semester.

Research itself means HOPE, a hope for new inventions or improvements, which will help mankind in the near future. Research takes a lot of dedication to be implemented; it demands a lot of you as the developer or researcher. Just like in real life, you must be very determined to achieve whatever goals you have set in your life. Research means GATHERING of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge, this definition can be compared to building up our own future, building your future is not just setting it up because that’s what you wanted it to be, there are many factors to be considered and you need a lot of gathering; gathering your emotions, determination and be optimistic for you to be prepare for whatever consequences you may encounter, you need valid assumptions of what you should do to prevent failure as much as you could, though failures and obstacles are spices to life, but if there’s a way to prevent this then prevent it.

Research in strict scientific definition is performing a methodical study in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a specific question. In life, while you are in the way of achieving your goals and molding your future, you must have a definite answer and like to pursue. There’s no turning back once you have step the first way to success, you must be able to prove to yourself that what you have choose is the best for you. You a need lots of courage and determination for you to go on. You as the one who will molding your future, you need to ask yourself what you like and think it over and over if thats what you really like.

Research must be SYSTEMATIC and follow a series of steps and a rigid standard protocol, from the word itself, “systematic”, our life and path to take are not constant, as what the old saying goes: : life is a constant change”. Every now and then you may encounter disagreements and discouragement but its up to you on how would you handle it, if you let outside factors intrude and destroy you then there no way out in pursuing whatever you have in your heart.

Research involves a very risky and critical way of decision making and for you to decide is you need a lot of time and meditation for you to be enlightened to what you may decide in the end.

Research involves TOPIC, and topic can be best describe as your objective in life, it will serve as your bases as you go along. It will serve as the pushing you to go on and we all know, choosing a topic in research is very hard, you must think and have some resources about it to fully understand what your topic should do and who will benefit to it. You need to brainstorm whatever is possible and know all the assignment requirements. In life perception, you goal must be achievable by you and it can give an encouragement to pursue.

Decisions you make will be the foundation of your future, since you were the one who decided it and everything will follow.

I may not say that research would the basis to whatever God has install me for the future but I know definitely it will affect me as a Computer Science Student. I think research will help me improve myself, my character and the way I handle every situation and even may change the way I think of the things that surrounds me. It will make me to be a better person and student. Research will open up my mind as to what I am taking right now, its hard (absolutely!) but I know its a part of growing up and taking your responsibilities as an individual, as a person and as a student.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What are your preferences on choosing file formats to use in certain applications?

Selecting the proper file format for your final artwork or project can mean the difference between having a usable document and a worthless collection of zeros and ones recorded to magnetic media. The file format should be determined by the image's final destination; for example, the Web has different requirements than do page layout programs. Even the Web design or page layout program you use can make a difference in what format to choose.

Within the broad categories of Web and print, additional choices need to be made. The file content will help you determine which format to choose.

their is no such thing as placing your own loved one. it depends on what you needed and I don't have any right to give my own idea because I don't know where to start. said, "The file format should be determined by the image's final destination; for example, the Web has different requirements than do page layout programs. Even the Web design or page layout program you use can make a difference in what format to choose."